Thursday 26 January 2012

Have Bjorn, will travel

Posted by the Sprout's mom We haven't exactly been shut-ins, but the Sprout and I haven't been out on the town much since her birth. This week the goal has been to get out as much as possible. It seems that I have one of the only babies in the world that hates the car. After a session of tears, she will submit to sleep in the stroller, but she doesn't mind being worn in a carrier. Today we managed to get out on the town for a half hour walk and a streetcar ride home. All without tears! A break through for us, indeed.

I must admit, the Bjorn is not my fave babywearing apparatus, but it certainly is the Sprout's. She has pretty good control already, but is still working on developing her neck muscles. Unlike the Snuggli, the Bjorn is firm enough to support her head. However, unlike the Mama Kangaroo (a Moby-style stretchy wrap), it's hard on my back and not very versatile in the number of positions I can put the Sprout in. Alas, to support the Sprout's head, the wrap requires putting some fabric over her head, which she's not keen on. I'm excited to transition to the Mama Kangaroo once she's no longer a bobble head.

In the meantime, the Bjorn lets us use public transit easily and gives us a bit more independence.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

First smile

Posted by the Sprout's mom This post is way past due since the Bean has been flashing her gummy smile on occasion for almost two weeks now. However, here's a shot of the first time she pleased us with a grin.