Friday 23 March 2012

First Week

This has been my official first week off with the bean. It has been an eventual week. First, Cat went missing Tuesday night thankful she returned home. The weather has been great, so I am able to take many walks with the bean and show her different objects and things. We were worried that the bean did not have a bowl movement for two days but she delivered on Thursday. Today we are going to visit the bran's nani( her dad's mother). I have managed to get the bean to sleep longer( on average she sleeps about 4 hrs a day ). Next week, we are going to visit the different play centres to learn more baby games.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

March Break

Posted by the Sprout's mom
Our little bean sprout is enjoying some quality time with both her parents this week since we're both home for March Break. It's her dad's turn to take a leave from work to be with her, while I go back until the end of June. She looks happy to be with him.
She's been a bit of reluctant crib napper, but we managed to catch her getting some shut eye recently.
Speaking of naps, they got a bit thrown off this week by the time change. She's been a tired little girl as her internal clock gets used to daylight savings time.
What is it about ears on baby clothes? Why do they instantly make me mushy? She's darn cute in her little hat with ears.

Friday 2 March 2012

February update

Posted by the Sprout's mom
Well, the Sprout is growing so quickly. She's only twelve weeks old and she is about to grow out of her 3-6 month sleepers! It's incredible to watch the progress. She found her hands some time ago and has set to work on sucking and chewing on her little fingers. We're waiting for her to start using her hands as tools to pick up and swat at things. Of course, there's no better conversationalist than our little Bean Sprout. Here she is telling it like it is.

The Sprout has two proud parents who love to show her off. At the beginning of this month, she took her first trip to my office so that we could brag about her fabulousness to my coworkers. We had a family portrait snapped while there, thanks to my office's Treasurer/Photographer.
She celebrated her first Valentine's Day. Sporting a cute V-day sleeper, the Sprout was our little Valentine.
On Family Day the Sprout was "chillin with [her] peeps" in a cute onesie from her friend Micah and his parents.
It became apparent that the Sprout can hold her head up all by her lonesome these days, so we got her a Bumbo. She's still working on the strength needed to sit up without slumping over. It's hit and miss, but this was taken on a good day when she was sitting up tall.